She looks pretty horny today….
She looks pretty horny today….
If you’re dreaming about a face like that, there are two interpretations:
Either you are very aware that you need to avoid specifically odd people you encountered in your life, or you are full with too much vigorous vitality and you need to go out more to interact with more people you have not yet encountered (perhaps a future love partner, since the face happens to be “smiling”). A deformed face like that is a symbol of the unknown and unfamiliarity of strangers.
As for the hair hanging out the window, this may represent the future problems you may encounter later on, and yet you hesitate to face them forward, because you are afraid of the negative encounters you will face later on (such as marital problems, finding a new partner, or tackling a divorce issue).
That or the Grudge girl is trying to kill you….
I get it. It represents users online who talk shit on one section of mouths and spew flowery propaganda on the opposite section…
Who let her out of Callisto?
Don’t lizards and geckos only moonbathe?
Lay off the night howlers, will ya?!
No vacuum will be powerful enough to suck this sewer monster into the eternal blackhole of hell!
Godamn it, Mewtwo. Give that crown back to Peach!
"Commercialism is the greatest gift of all!"
"Write that down, write that down!"
On the bright side, at least you don't have to wait for your order AND you made the workers very happy about finally getting a sale
A roaming amateur hentai artist (and former independent comics illustrator) looking for inspiration from other pieces of artwork
Intern Accountant
UofToronto (Grad w/ HB in Bio)
Ontario, Canada
Joined on 11/25/21